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Kent and Medway SAB

KMSAB Training & Events

KMSAB Level 3 multi-agency training

The Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board (KMSAB) has created a series of facilitated online training sessions for staff from statutory partner agencies who have responsibility for direct practice in safeguarding. The training is interactive, relevant to practice and will form part of delegates' continuing professional development. To undertake the training, workshop participants require a suitable secure and safe place, without distractions, including sole use of a computer with video conferencing facilities. As safeguarding is integral to all work, it is important that delegates have the agreement and support of their line manager, and that provision is made to support their attendance. 

Before booking a place, please ensure that you are eligible to receive the training. Places will be allocated to staff from the following statutory partner agencies which contribute financially to the operation of the Board:

  • Kent Police
  • Kent County Council
  • Medway Council
  • NHS Kent and Medway Integrated Care Board
  • Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust 
  • Medway NHS Foundation Trust
  • East Kent Hospitals University Foundation Trust
  • Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
  • Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
  • Medway Community Healthcare
  • Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust
  • HCRG Care Group
  • Kent Fire and Rescue Service

In addition, 2 spaces will be available on each course for District Council representatives, GPs and other non-statutory partners who can evidence that they require level 3 training. Whilst spaces are allocated to agencies, in the event of undersubscription the spaces will be available for other partner agencies to use. We hold waiting lists to support this so please do book on even if your agency allocation has been filled.


There are four one-day courses available - each will run from 9.30am to 4.30pm, with regular breaks throughout the day. Sessions will be delivered using the Microsoft Teams platform. For more information on the etiquette of the online learning, please read the guidelines for online training using Microsoft Teams. 

Adult Legal Literacy


  • Friday 5th July
  • Monday 29th July
  • Thursday 26th September
  • Friday 25th October
  • Tuesday 5th November
  • Wednesday 4th December


  • Monday 27th January 
  • Tuesday 4th February
  • Thursday 20th March
SAR Report


Booking Form

Domestic Abuse


  • Friday 12th July
  • Monday 2nd September
  • Tuesday 15th October
  • Wednesday 6th November
  • Thursday 5th December


  • Friday 10th January
  • Monday 3rd February
  • Tuesday 11th March
SAR Report


Booking Form

Collaborative Working in multi-agency section 42 Enquiries


  • Thursday 18th July
  • Monday 9th September
  • Tuesday 1st October
  • Wednesday 30th October
  • Thursday 28th November
  • Friday 13th December


  • Monday 13th January
  • Tuesday 18th February
SAR Report


Booking Form

Self-neglect and Hoarding


  • Wednesday 24th July
  • Tuesday 10th September
  • Thursday 19th September
  • Thursday 10th October
  • Thursday 14th November
  • Wednesday 18th December


  • Friday 24th January
  • Thursday 13th February 
  • Thursday 6th March
SAR Report


Booking Form

    KMSAB e-learning foundation module

    Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board has partnered with training provider, DCC-I, to create an e-learning module. This module will focus on the safeguarding principles to provide a basic introduction to topics such as the Care Act 2014 and the Mental Capacity Act. This e-learning is designed to act as an introduction to, or a refresher of, the safeguarding principles.

    This is not a substitute for your agency’s own safeguarding training or the KMSAB multi-agency training courses. The quiz at the end of the e-learning is for your personal reflection and does not provide a formal review of your learning.

    Access KMSAB e-learning

    KMSAB Open Sessions

    These open sessions are free of charge, open to all and will focus on providing a space where attendees can engage with the Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board to discuss topical issues and current planned activity being delivered across Kent and Medway, as part of their professional or personal development.  Each session will provide the opportunity to meet some key people responsible for safeguarding in Kent and Medway and ask them questions about their service.

    The next open session is scheduled to take place virtually at the below time:

    • Tuesday 17th September, 6pm-7:30pm - Adult Safeguarding and the Care Act Wellbeing Principle
    SAR Report


    Booking Form

    Other training opportunities

    Although the Board's multi-agency safeguarding adults training workshops are not funded for external organisations, there are a wealth of independent training organisations and professional associations which offer training and other resources:

    The following websites may also be helpful:
