Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board
The Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board (KMSAB) is a statutory service which exists to make sure that all member agencies are working together to help keep Kent and Medway's adults safe from harm and protect their rights. The KMSAB does not provide frontline services. It is a statutory multi-agency partnership which assures that adult safeguarding arrangements in Kent and Medway are in place, and are effective. It oversees how agencies co-ordinate services and work together to help keep adults who are, or may be, at risk, safe from harm. We promote wellbeing, work to prevent abuse, neglect and exploitation, and help to protect the rights of our citizens. Our work also focuses on the development of the multi-agency policies and procedures, providing consistency and setting high safeguarding standards, which all our partner agencies sign up to. |
The KMSAB consists of the following statutory agencies:
- Medway Council
- Kent County Council
- Kent Police
- Integrated Care Board
In addition to the statutory members, the Board and/or its Working Groups include representation from other agencies, highlighted within the Annual Report.
It is chaired by an Independent Chair and meets 3 times a year. The Board is supported by a KMSAB Business Group which also meets 3 times a year.
The Board's work is carried out by the following working groups:
Quality Assurance Working Group (QAWG)
The QAWG co-ordinates quality assurance activity and evaluate the effectiveness of the work of all KMSAB's partner agencies, to safeguard and promote the welfare of adults at risk of abuse or neglect.
Learning and Development Working Group (L&DWG)
The L&DWG ensures that standards and competencies for inter-agency safeguarding adults learning and development across Kent and Medway are met in accordance with national law, policy and guidelines. The group is responsible for the co-ordination, commissioning, delivery and evaluation of the multi-agency safeguarding adults training programme.
Practice, Policy and Procedures Working Group (PPPWG)
The PPPWG reviews and updates the multi-agency safeguarding adults Policy, Protocols and Procedures Guidance for Kent and Medway and associated documents in line with changes in legislation, guidance and good practice identified through safeguarding adults reviews, research, audit, practice, performance monitoring and user experience.
Safeguarding Adults Review Working Group (SARWG)
The KMSAB carries out its statutory responsibilities in respect of Safeguarding Adults Reviews and other learning reviews, such as case audits, when an adult at risk in Kent or Medway dies as a result of abuse or neglect, or when an adult is still alive but has experienced serious abuse or neglect.
Communications and Engagement Working Group (CEWG)
The CEWG develops and ensures organisations implement a communications strategy across the partner agencies with the intention of raising awareness of the Board and Adult Safeguarding issues, both within organisations and with the residents of Kent and Medway to insight change, improve practice and prevent abuse.
Joint Exploitation Group (JEG)
This is a joint group combining the Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board, Kent Safeguarding Children Multi-agency Partnership (KSCMP) and Medway Safeguarding Children Partnership (MSCP). The group oversees activity around; sexual exploitation, gangs/county lines, human trafficking/modern slavery, online safeguarding, radicalisation/extremism and unaccompanied asylum seeking children, to understand current trends in order to protect and safeguarding the welfare of children and adults at risk.
In addition to this Medway Safeguarding Adults Executive Group (MSAEG) brings together senior representatives from the key agencies responsible for the effective delivery of Adult Safeguarding in Medway. The MSAEG works collaboratively to deliver the strategic priorities of the Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board, strengthening delivery, oversight and governance.
KMSAB & Working Group Terms of Reference
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