Kent and Medway SAB

KMSAB Policies & Procedures

Multi-Agency Safeguarding Adults Policy, Protocols and Guidance for Kent and Medway is designed to guide practitioners through legal responsibilities, how organisations work together, and general guidance on how to recognise and react to abuse or suspected abuse against adults at risk.

All multi-agency policies should be read in conjunction with individual agencies internal policies.

Multi-Agency Safeguarding Adults Policy, Procedures and Practitioners Guidance (updated January 2024)

Adults Missing from Health and Care Settings

Complaints and Compliments

Domestic Abuse and Care and Support Needs

Escalation and Resolving Practitioner Differences

Exploitation, Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

Homelessness Practitioner Resource

Kent and Medway Threshold Tool

Multi-Agency Risk Management Framework (MARM)

Supporting Documents

Evaluation Forms

People in Position of Trust (PiPOT)

Safeguarding Adults Reviews Procedure

(email for access to the Safeguarding Adults Review referral form)

Self-neglect and Hoarding

When Adults at Risk Abuse Each Other

Useful documents

Privacy Notices

Idea All KMSAB Policies and Procedures are live documents and are reviewed annually by the Practice, Policy and Procedures Working Group. If you have any comments or suggestions for improvement, please contact the KMSAB Manager by emailing
