Kent and Medway SAB

Safeguarding Adults Reviews

What are Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs)

Safeguarding Adults Reviews are not inquiries into how someone died or suffered injury, or to find out who is responsible.


  • look at any lessons we can learn from the case about the way all local professionals and agencies worked together
  • review the effectiveness of our safeguarding adults policy and protocols
  • inform and improve local safeguarding practice for all agencies involved
  • deliver an overview report and recommendations for future action.

KMSAB Policy, Procedures and Guidance for SARs

For more information on how SARs are carried out in Kent and Medway, read the KMSAB Policy, Procedures and Guidance for Safeguarding Adult Reviews alongside the following appendices:

Do not use the SAR referral form to report abuse. If you have concerns about an adult, visit our 'Report Abuse' page for more information.

Content of a referral

A referral is your gateway into a service that you or the individual has identified that they need. A referral without the right information can result in time wasted, health and / or social needs deterioration, reactive escalation and most importantly the right support not being offered. Take a look at the 'why the content of any referral is so important' document which provides guidance on how to effectively complete a referral.

Published Safeguarding Adults Reviews

These documents have been anonymised. Any names included in these documents are fictitious. 

Please note this list is a summary of the themes and not exhaustive. The reports should be viewed to access the full recommendations for each review.

Safeguarding Adults Review:

Recommendations relating to:


 Overview report

 Learning briefing

  • Safe discharge
  • Making Safeguarding Personal
  • Communication between agencies and information sharing, including transfer of care


 Overview report

 Learning briefing


  • Self-neglect
  • Making Safeguarding Personal
  • Legal literacy


 Overview report

 Learning briefing

  • Safe discharge
  • Carers
  • Legal literacy
  • Alcohol and substance dependency/co-occurring conditions


 Overview report

 Learning briefing



  • Making Safeguarding Personal
  • Safe discharge
  • Legal literacy
  • Suicide Prevention


 Overview report

 Learning briefing


  • Whole family approach 
  • Making Safeguarding Personal
  • Carers
  • Multi-disciplinary meetings 


 Overview report

 Learning briefing

  • Multi-agency working
  • Legal Literacy
  • Self-neglect
  • Carers
  • Alcohol and substance dependency/co-occurring conditions
  • Safe discharge
  • Communication between agencies and information sharing


 Overview report

 Learning briefing


  • Multi-agency working
  • Legal Literacy
  • Self-neglect


 Overview report

 Learning briefing


  • Self-neglect 
  • Professional curiosity


 Overview report

 Learning briefing


  • Self-neglect
  • Safe discharge


 Overview report

 Learning briefing

  • Suicide Prevention
  • Legal literacy
  • Making Safeguarding Personal


 Overview report

 Learning briefing

  • Barriers to engagement


 Overview report

 Learning Briefing

 Video - KMSAB Open Session 10.10.23

  • Communication between agencies and information sharing


 Overview report

 Learning Briefing


  • Self-neglect
  • Alcohol and substance dependency/co-occurring conditions
  • Multi-agency working


 Overview report

 Learning Briefing

  • Carers
  • Awareness of KMSAB policy and procedures
  • Self-neglect


 Overview report

 Learning Briefing

  • Legal literacy
  • Alcohol and substance dependency/co-occurring conditions
  • Communication between agencies and information sharing

 Rosie and Emma

 Overview report

  • Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
  • Suicide
  • Multi-agency working
  • Legal literacy
  • Homelessness
  • Think Family


 Overview report

  • Record keeping
  • Literacy and communication needs


 Overview report

  • Safe discharge
  • Self-neglect
  • Housing


 Overview report


 Sibling on Sibling Domestic Abuse   Awareness Briefing

Managing Diabetes and Mental Health Briefing

  • Self-neglect
  • Carers 


 Overview report

  • Self-neglect and Hoarding
  • Carers 


 Overview report

 Executive Summary

  • Self-neglect
  • Barriers to engagement


 Overview report

  • Safe discharge
  • Multi-agency working
  • Information sharing


 Overview report

  • Making Safeguarding Personal
  • Carers 


 Overview report

  • Self-neglect
  • Carers
  • Safe discharge
  • Information sharing
  • Making Safeguarding Personal


 Overview report

  • Referral forms
  • Alcohol and substance dependency/co-occurring conditions
  • Making Safeguarding Personal
  • Multi-agency working
  • Self-neglect
  • Awareness of KMAB Policy and Procedures
  • Supervision, practice and performance
  • Carers 

 Elizabeth Eastley

 Overview report


  • Literacy and communication needs
  • Self-neglect
  • Professional Curiosity


 Overview report

  • Alcohol and Substance Dependency/co-occurring conditions
  • Self-neglect


 Overview report

  • Multi-agency working
  • Suicide
  • Alcohol and substance dependency/co-occurring conditions
  • Referral forms


 Overview report

  • Safe discharge
  • Did not attend/was not brought


 Overview report

  • Information sharing
  • Barriers to engagement
  • Safe discharge


 Overview report

  • Self-neglect
  • Making Safeguarding Personal


 Overview report

  • Self-neglect
  • Referral forms
  • Safe discharge


 Overview report

  • Literacy and communication needs


 Overview report

 Coercive Control Case Study

  • Legal literacy


 Overview report

  • Suicide


 Overview report

  • Safe discharge
  • Multi-agency working
  • Carers 
  • Supervision, Practice & Performance Management


 Overview report

  • Safe discharge
  • Literacy and communication needs
  • Legal literacy
  • Self-neglect
  • Alcohol and substance dependency/co-occurring conditions
  • Awareness of KMSAB policies and procedures


 Overview report 

 Addendum (January 2022)

  • Information sharing

 Gordon Fields

 Overview report

  • Making Safeguarding Personal
  • Mental Capacity
  • Carers
  • Professional curiosity


 Overview report

  • Barriers to engagement
  • Multi-agency working
  • Safe discharge
  • Information sharing


 Overview report

  • Making Safeguarding Personal
  • Awareness of KMSAB policies and procedures

 Robert Bolton

 Overview report

  • Self-neglect
  • Legal literacy
  • Carers 
  • Supervision, Practice & Performance Management

 Charlotte Burton

 Executive Summary

 Professional Curiosity Briefing

  • Multi-agency working
  • Risk management
  • Record keeping

 Thematic Case Review

 Overview report

  • Self-neglect

 Barriers to Engagement Briefing

 Learning briefing

  • Barriers to engagement (Joint learning from SARs/DHRs/SCRs)

 Malcolm Foreman 

 Overview report

  • Barriers to engagement
  • Self-neglect

 Harold Garrett

 Overview report

  • Mental capacity
  • Awareness of KMSAB policies and procedures
  • Safe discharge
  • Self-neglect
  • Referral forms

 Mrs D

 Executive summary

  • Self-neglect
  • Mental capacity
  • Information sharing
  • Risk management

 Mrs Violet Hughes

 Executive summary

  • Mental capacity
  • Multi-agency working
  • Information sharing

 Mrs C

 Executive summary

  • Record keeping
  • Safe discharge
  • Multi-agency working
  • Mental capacity
